Hearing Protection and Conservation

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  • Level: Beginner
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Every year, tens of thousands of employees suffer permanent hearing loss from being exposed to excessive noise on the job. From loud machinery in factories to heavy construction devices, hearing damage can happen in nearly any industry and is oftentimes irreversible.

In this training course we will talk about the negative effects that hazardous noise levels can have on our hearing and the ways that workers can protect themselves. We will also examine some of the ways in which employers can help create a safe work environment for employees working in high-noise situations.
Course overview
This training course is intended for all employees working in industries affected by high noise levels. While loud noises can happen in all industries at any given moment, some industries are much more susceptible to prolonged periods of unsafe noise than others.

OSHA’s safety standards relating to hearing protection and conservation are 29 CFR 1910.95 and 1926.101

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Certificate included
Upon completion of this training, you will receive a certificate of completion for this training.

Course Objectives

With proper knowledge and awareness, most hearing-related injuries can be prevented. Workers who are adequately informed will be able to better protect themselves from these injuries when working in loud or noisy environments.

Effects of Loud Noise

Understand the effects that loud noise levels can have on your hearing

Hearing Conservation Program

Understand and follow your jobsite’s hearing conservation program

Hazardous Noise Sources

Recognize sources of potentially hazardous noise in your place of work.

Protect From Exposure

Avoid exposure to asbestos and protect yourself when exposure is unavoidable

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