Stormwater Pollution Prevention

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  • Level: Beginner
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In 1972, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implemented the Clean Water Act (CWA). This act established a basic structure for monitoring the release of pollution into the waters of the United States and implemented quality standards for all surface waters.

In this training course, we will detail the ways that storm water pollution can negatively impact water in the United States and introduce measures that workers can take to prevent this from happening. You will also be introduced to Storm water Pollution Prevention Plans and the ways that they can help both workers, and the environment, remain safe on job sites.

Course overview
This training course is intended for all employees working in industries who deal with storm water runoff. This training will teach employees about storm water management, potential sources of contaminants, and Best Management Practices (BMPs).

EPA's safety standards relating to storm water pollution and prevention are found in U.S. EPA, 1979 and U.S. EPA 932-R-92-006.

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Certificate included
Upon completion of this training, you will receive a certificate of completion for this training.

Course Objectives

By the end of this training session, you should better understand:


The characteristics of storm water and storm water pollution

Management Practices

Best Management Practices used to prevent, or limit, storm water pollution from occurring on job sites

Negative Effects

The negative effects that storm water pollution can have on the environment

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

The requirements and components of a Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan

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